December 17, 2009

This is to you (all of you)

This is the best blog of our lives. I swear we didn't know what we were missing. Mia woke up and had this brilliant idea, and now we'll always be close. I just thought I'd let you know, I'm going to write about my life and how my days go. I'm going to talk about movies, music, and maybe basketball. This is my first blog not for a grade- and I think you all remember senior seminar. So let's have fun and make this blog really count, and let people around the world creep on us. We should probably try to be a little funny- you never know who might be reading. Create some edge but let's just be ourselves. This blog could get us our own reality show! If it did I would decline. I don't think i could be more entertaining than the Hills. How I would love to fight Kristin for her "Bitch" title, but we all know I would lose... So I guess what I am saying is, I hope this blog does nothing more than keep us friends together. I don't think that's asking much, and I don't think that will be hard to do. I really miss you guys, and I love all of you.

Good luck with your finals, try to hurry home soon.
If you make it here by Saturday- we can all watch my team win or lose.

And i apologize, I wrote this all to a song in my head. I think it reads a little funny if you can't here the beat each sentence hits. So just know, in my head, this flows perfectly well.

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